
Analysis Of The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain

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Societal Standards in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Throughout the evolution of the world’s societies, the roles of women seem to act as a reflection of the time period since they set the tones for the next generation. Regardless of their own actions, women generally appear to take on a lower social standing and receive an altered treatment by men. In Mark Twain’s pre-civil war novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, lies a display of how society treats and views women, as well as how they function in their roles, specifically in regards to religion and molding the minds and futures of children. The novel’s showcase of women affords them a platform and opportunity to better see their own situation and break away with a new voice.
Lit Review
Critics generally agree Mark Twain takes on a goal to hold a mirror to society in order to reflect the problems it contains regarding the hierarchy and power of social groups. As critic Heather Shrum points out, “the flawless family will never be found,” but Twain attempts to promote improvement so that each individual works together as a unit to create a solid unit (2). The role and value of women stand as a key issue for him, thus he displays their typical lifestyles that involve their entrapment in positions of inferiority. The efforts made by Twain go towards a demonstration of how basic principles of these families should be shared by means of all the members. Such becomes a necessity in order for a family to truly

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