
Analysis Of The Book ' 1984 ' By George Orwell

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Present Day 1984 The book 1984 by George Orwell takes place in the fictitious dystopian country of Oceania. Orwell warns readers of the grim future that will occur if the government continues to use surveillance, propaganda, and manipulation. The world that Orwell paints is one that is greatly dystopian. The citizens of the state have no control over their actions to the point where the government even invades on their thoughts and emotions. Although the date of 1984 has long passed the ideals of Oceania seem to gradually sink into our current society. However with proper awareness and a deep passion for change, liberty could still be preserved. . Orwell’s protagonist Winston is the man that fails to achieve his goals. The character …show more content…

The Ministry of Truth runs on the slogan “Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past”(Orwell). Throughout history to the winners goes the go the spoils. In our world the country that lost the World Wars were forced to pay debts and many of the leaders of such countries were tried and forced to surrender all power. While the atrocities that the losing side committed are often exaggerated and seem incredibly harsh, the winners often put euphemisms in textbooks to hide the terror that they instilled during war. The term that describes the Ministry of Truth in our modern society is Historical Negationism. This term mainly refers to history denial and distortion. Almost all countries try to paint a better image for themselves whether intentional or not. Historians themselves could be caught on by partisanship and bias and result in writing exaggerated accounts. Countries with stronger centralized governments that enforce harsh rules tend to participate in more Historical Negationism. Russian censorship often attempt to “minimize the scale and magnitude of the deaths caused by the Great Leap Forward (1958–61), the Soviet Purges, the Genocide in Cambodia, and the Labor Camps in Cuba…”(Stoa). Japanese textbooks only gloss over the events of World War II and avoid talking about events like the Rape of Nanking. However, changing history to be more suitable doesn’t only apply for the winners of a war or for the power that is in

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