
Analysis Of The Book ' The Blonde '

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After turning into a vampire, Lucy degenerates into a deadly creature whose gaze reflects “hell-fire (…) [and] unholy light” (Stoker 249) whilst her face becomes “wreathed with a voluptuous smile” (Stoker 249), as doctor John Seward describes. “Voluptuous” is certainly the key-word, here, for her once pure appearance now invokes carnal desires, in addition to hypnotizing the male characters in an effort to subjugate their virility whilst simultaneously playing to their yearnings. Lucy reaches out her arms to her would-be husband, Arthur, inciting him with the promise of sexual ecstasy: “My arms are hungry for you. Come, and we can rest together” (Stoker 250). Lucy thus embodies the virgin-whore dichotomy, for though she died pure and virginal, her after-death monstrosity enables her to be sexually independent. Indeed, the conventional fair/dark split, symbolic of respective moral casts, “reflects the ambivalence aroused by the sexualized female, [for] not only is Lucy the more sexualized figure, she is the more rejecting figure” (Roth 62). Interestingly, her physical appearance reflects this shift, for her once “sunny ripples” of hair (Stoker 197) become shadowy and turn Lucy into a “dark-haired woman” (Stoker 249), an obvious reflection of her image as a fallen angel .
Interestingly, the non-standard way in which these sexual anxieties are presented permits the discussion of these apprehensions. The supernatural renders Lucy inhuman — her twisted face resembles “the

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