
Analysis Of ' The ' By Veronica Roth

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Allegiant By Veronica Roth Key Characters - Tris Prior - In this book, Tris isn’t the only main character, like in the others. Tris shares the first person perspective with Tobias who is just as much of the main character in this book. Tobias Eaton - A new main character in this book, he sort of takes his life by the horns in this book. He had been conforming to the system in the previous books, but not any more. He learns that he isn’t actually divergent, but he is Genetically Damaged or so they call it. Christina - She is kind of the “last man standing” in this book. Christina has been there for Tris and Tobias and everything everyone has gone through for the whole series of events. She has definitely had her fair share of …show more content…

Tobias sort of forgives Peter as well and Caleb. The Bureau of Genetic Welfare - They are the puppet masters of the Chicago Project. It turns out that they have been monitoring and watching everyone in and out of their small secluded city. Synopsis - After Evelyn takes control Tris, Caleb, Christina, and everyone else in their gang is imprisoned for treason. After help from Tobias and a little Divergent lying, they all get off free of any punishment besides living under Evelyn’s rule. Tris is approached by the “Allegiant” who tell her that they are leaving the city (which has never been done before) and they want her and her friends to come along. Tris and Tobias find out that Cara, their old Erudite friend from Insurgent is leading the group out of their city to find whoever created everything. On their way out, Tori is shot and killed, so she never got to avenge her brother who was killed for being divergent. Then, they meet Zoe and Amar. They are from the Bureau of Genetic Welfare which no one knew existed. Amar was Tobias’s initiation instructor when he joined Dauntless. He was presumed to be dead, but he was actually just recruited by the Bureau and made a patrol man because of his skills. We learn, in the Bureau, that divergents are actually just normal people and everyone else is “Genetically Damaged” as they call it. The Bureau has been doing these experiments for decades trying to

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