
Analysis Of The Murray Darling Basin Authority's Basin Plan

Better Essays

(background information, purpose of the plan(sustainable basin balance),SDL,wentworth group.
SDL: sustainable division limits
The purpose of this report is to evaluate the Murray Darling Basin Authority's Basin Plan (MDBA Basin Plan) revised in 2012 and the recommendations made by Wentworth Group as well as the comments made by regional industry and development groups and state governments. The previous version of this plan (the one released in 2010) has not met the its targets and has been criticized for overemphasis on meeting environmental targets made the Wentworth Group of Scientists rather than considering regional social and economic issues. The revised plan focuses more on socio- economic impacts, salinity and …show more content…

The guide to the Basin plan states that the range of water needed to be returned to the river system is between 3856 GL and 6983 GL. This is to secure the health of river system. The volume of water defined in the revised plan is only 2750 GL/y, which is not sufficient to meet the requirements. The revised plan does not collect sufficient data to adjust the recovery of surface water. This is shown in the statement on the 2011 basin plan done by Wentworth group that they are unsure about the what the outcomes of this reduction of 2750 GL/y would be since the revised plan does not provide an information about it. (page12).
The Wentworth group points put that “these groundwater allocations are in aquifer systems that are considered to be highly connected to surface water.”( statement on the 2011 draft Murray darling basin plan,page13).Large change in the extraction of groundwater is unreasonable and has negative effects on the surface water resource since groundwater system is linked closely to surface water. The revised plan does not take the relationship between groundwater and surface water into consideration and it assumes that they are two separate systems. This results in an inaccurate increase in SDL of groundwater resource.
The Wentworth group identifies that there is insufficient information provided on estimating the cost and feasibility of handling river management infrastructure

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