
Analysis Of The NFL Kneeling And Crazy Media Hype

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NFL Kneeling and Crazy Media Hype Relatively recently the NFL players have been partaking in symbolic gesturing during the National Anthem and as a result have stirred the built-up hype within media and consequently audiences. There should be absolutely no debate in any of this situation regarding legalities. The situation is very straightforward, and everyone understands (or must I say, “should understand”) the issue within a 10 second briefing. This is solely and example of people’s feelings and opinions, which is causing uproar in part because of its critically divisive and particularly offensive execution. This is a scenario where a ripple turned into a wave because of resentment being stoked by the exaggerated media. To begin with, this is not a case for free speech in any way, if the players want to make a statement or gesture then they should obviously expect to receive other’s viewpoints and opinions. It should not be shocking to people that there is a disagreement, these sorts of events should certainly not be making headlines especially not for this long. Concerning legalities and free speech, the players have all signed contracts to play for money this is not an outlandish concept and in return for millions upon millions of dollars they put on hold certain rights while playing at work. Consequently, the NFL owners have every right under the law to fire employees for staging protest or bringing unwarranted attention to the corporation. It is a private for-profit

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