
Analysis Of The Poem ' Dulce Et Decorum Est '

Decent Essays

Owen effectively uses sound to create a sense of war. In “Dulce et Decorum Est” this is achieved through the use of nasals, fricatives and plosives. The fricatives, “Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!” create a very rough sound. This could show the rough conditions of war, especially for tenderfoots. The fricatives are dominantly used throughout to create a sense of hardship and danger. The use of plosives such as “guttering, choking, drowning” creates a sense of how harsh the living conditions at war were. The words “guttering, choking, drowning” are negative verbs and show a threat to life, which, in this case, is the high levels of risk at war. These influence the reader as they are made to think about the grim and bleak reality of the war and help these to emphasise with the soldiers. This helps the reader build a connection with the poem and makes the poem of some sort of significance for some readers as they feel as if they have experienced war first-hand. The truly horrific conditions are portrayed by the persistent use of plosives. Likewise, “Anthem for Doomed Youth” has countless examples of onomatopoeia. The most effective example is the one of the liquid sounds in “stuttering rifles’ rapid rattle”. This is efficacious because of how it helps imitate the machine gun fire. The imitation of the guns shows how Owen can constantly hear guns firing away. This can be interpreted to show how he is mentally scarred. “Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots but limped on

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