
Analysis Of ' The Scarlett Letter ' By Nathaniel Hawthorne

Good Essays

Christopher Manning
Coach Taylor
English III Accelerated
11 January 2017
Arthur Dimmesdale is a Hypocrite? Little things always come back to bite which in the end can hurt people or kill people. The Scarlett Letter is a story in which a woman cheats with another man. The woman is punished publicly, while the man is punished privately or in secret. The story is centered on the letter A that in the case of the book stands for adultery. On the other hand, In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlett Letter Arthur Dimmesdale is perceived as a saint, but in reality Hawthorne uses this to support the hidden motif of hypocrisy. First and foremost, Arthur Dimmesdale is not what most people consider a typical man. In fact, the man is a minister, who …show more content…

Even though, he is preaching these types of sermons. Dimmesdale never really confesses to the community his sin. Which is why Ruetenik says, “Dimmesdale becomes a hypocrite who preaches a profound notion of responsibility”, and this really makes him a hypocrite because you cannot preach about being responsible if you cannot be responsible yourself. Strangely enough, the community basically leaves Dimmesdale of the hook. According to Frederick C. Crews, “Dimmesdale has explained his seven-years’ torment”(315). The community did not punish Dimmesdale, but he was punished physically and mentally by way of natural causes. Dimmesdale began to appear as if he was sick and just was not himself. The reasoning behind these happenings are unknown, but God punishes those who break the Ten Commandment. One author stated, “Arthur Dimmesdale is Adam, who assumes the sin of Eve not because he follows her in committing an individual sin”(82). This statement makes sense because God punished Dimmesdale and Adam making them kind of similar. For example, Gavrila Andrei-Bogdan stated, “Dimmesdale says very near the beginning of the book “What can thy silence do for him, except to tempt him---yea, compel him, as it were---to add hypocrisy to sin?”(Dimmesdale 47) He knows what will happen to him if he endures his sin in private, but he is too weak

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