
Analysis Of The Story 'Legend' By Marie Lu

Decent Essays

In Legend by Marie Lu the author uses the plot device to show how much Day’s mother's death has affected him. At this point in the story Day is knocked out in Batalla Hall’s hospital wing having a nightmare. He’s chasing after Tess through a street packed with people while she frantically looks for him. He calls out to her, but she can’t hear him and he can’t catch up to her. She runs into a soldier and tries to get away but the soldier grabs her and throws her to the ground. Then he points his gun at her. In the text it says “ Then I see that it’s not Tess, but my mother, who lies in a puddle of blood. I try to run to her. But instead I stay hidden behind a chimney on a roof, crouched like a coward. It’s my fault she's dead.” (Lee 205).

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