
Analysis Of Trifles By Susan Glaspell

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Throughout the late 1800s and early 1900s, females were often seen as inferior to men. The importance of females rest in their duties as a housewife. In “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell, Glaspell describes how this degrading message can both hurt women and make them feel trapped in their marriage. Minnie Wright is John Wright’s husband, an uptight, quiet, and stoic farmer who is murdered. The murderer remains a mystery as the men investigate the bedroom, the barn, and living room while Mrs. Hale, the neighbor of the Wright family, and Mrs. Peters, the wife of the sheriff gather things to take to Minnie who is in the county jail as a suspect. The two women examine the fruit preserves, the quilting, and the box with the dead canary and realize both the criminal and her motives. Glaspell creates a feminine union between the female characters that both creates sympathy for Minnie Wright and a greater understanding of the struggles of early 20th century women. The symbols of the canary and the quilt in “Trifles” create a dramatic irony between the female jury and the audience where only they can understand the feelings of an imbalance of order and chaos and losing of one’s identity.
The pieces of quilt Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters find in Minnie Wright’s basket show Minnie’s desire for a comforting home while also not feeling alone or crazy. The two women find the quilt pieces which reveal a log cabin pattern. Mrs. Hale is intrigued by the pretty pattern and wonders if Minnie

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