
Analysis Of Two Lovers And A Beachcomber By Sylvia Plath

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Sylvia Plath and “Two Lovers and a Beachcomber by the Real Sea” Sylvia Plath, while one of the best-known poets of the 20th century, has diminished in popularity to the modern audience. Despite this, Plath’s work is still poignant today with its self-examination of life in the context of poor mental health and its confessional style that has become a staple of American literature. On October 27, 1932, Sylvia Plath was born to Aurelia Schober and Otto Plath, both immigrants of Germanic descent. Although she was born in Boston, Sylvia Plath spent her childhood years in Winthrop, Massachusetts, a smaller coastal town. Unfortunately, Plath lost her father to diabetes-related complications in November of 1940 at the young age of eight; however, her eighth year of life also brought her the publication of her first poem in the children’s section of The Boston Herald. Two years later, the Plath family moved to Wellesley, Massachusetts, so her mother could work at Boston University and support the family. Plath excelled at her school in Wellesley and began to receive prizes and awards for her writing. Along with her natural intelligence, this culminated in a personality that her mother described as “precocious” as well as the development of perfectionist tendencies that would afflict her significantly later in life (Barnard 15). Similarly, America’s entrance into World War II in 1944 contributed to Sylvia Plath’s pessimistic outlook on human nature. Additionally, as she grew up and

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