
Analysis Of William Wordsworth 's ' Macbeth ' Essay

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The Protagonist: Romney Wordsworth

The Protagonist’s Chief Want: Wordsworth chief want is to reveal to the chancellor that every human being has purpose, worth, and a voice. The value of one’s life is not simply based on his or her conformity to the various edicts set forth by the State. In order to achieve his chief want, Romney is willing to sacrifice his own life. At the end of the story, Romney relinquishes his life and the chancellor escapes. After Romney’s death, it seems as though the chancellor learned nothing from his near-death-experience in Wordsworth room; yet, upon being pronounced “obsolete”, the chancellor desperately screams in anguish that his life contains purpose and worth. Thus, Wordsworth fulfilled his chief want through his life and death.

The Inciting Incident: The inciting incident begins when the chancellor finds Wordsworth guilty of being an obsolete man. Wordsworth understands that merely arguing his position will yield unfruitful results; rather, he will only convince the chancellor through his actions.

1. The State believes that individuals, not contributing to the advancement of their “perfect” society, have no purpose. Declaring Romney Wordsworth vocation unneeded in their advanced society, the state, thus, seeks to “liquidate” him in order to maintain balance and harmony.
2. The Chancellor seeks to maintain order and control within the state. Presiding as the judge at Wordsworth’s

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