
Analysis of Article No, You Shouldn’t Fear GMO Corn by Jon Entine

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Summary In his article “No, You Shouldn’t Fear GMO Corn” published at in 2012, Jon Entine argues that genetically engineered crops pose no harm to health or environment, and the conclusion Caitlin Shetterly made is absurd and holds no water. Though every major scientific regulatory oversight body in the world has concluded that GMO foods are harmless, the public remains deeply suspicious, fearing that such food may cause cancer or allergies. Caitlin Shetterly, one of the worried public, wrote an article in Elle magazine, claiming that genetically modified foods could cause allergic reactions, and that consumers face unknown and unacceptable risks from new, yet-to-be-identified allergens that our government’s monitoring program, …show more content…

Therefore, the fact that rise in allergies coincides with our consumption of GMOs does not necessarily prove a causal relationship. Entine proceeds to question the validity of Shetterly’s quotes. Entine reached out to almost all of the “supporters” of Shetterly, but was complained that Shetterly had misused their statements. Goodman, one of the sources Shetterly cited in her article, clarified that the database run by him lists every known protein that has been shown to cause an allergy and/or even might be suspected of causing a reaction. There is no undiscovered allergens, because whenever a new GMO is created, only one or a few new proteins are made, and those new proteins would be evaluated specifically for potential risks of allergy. Harwood Shaffer, another misinterpreted person, explained that it is possible that unadvantageous data of GMOs is withheld, but he doubted it. Marc Rothenberg and his colleagues, from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, both of who are misused in the quotes, made a clear statement that they did not imply there may be an environmental “black box” related to GMOs that we did not yet fully understand. Supported by Goodman, Entine also indicates that the risks from GMOs are infinitely small. The scale of harm, which is not empirically linked to any approved GM food, is tiny in proportion to the scale of other food-related harms, yet Shetterly and other

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