
Analysis of Koppelman's Arguement in Support of Same Sex Marriage

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In the past few decades, the question of allowing for same-sex marriage is a recurring topic of controversy. In the houses of same-sex couples, the need for equal rights is of great importance. Currently, many states ban the marriage of same-sex couples and do not view a marriage between same-sex couples as an official marriage. These states quote the Constitutional definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Therefore, with this definition, the marriage of a man and a man or a woman and a woman is unconstitutional. As of the issue date of this article, the Supreme Court had not made a national decision on same-sex marriage and the benefits entitled to that marriage. This CQ Researcher journal focuses on the topic of …show more content…

Same-sex marriage defies these complex ideals. For same-sex couples, the need for a shotgun wedding is superfluous, as there are no instances of an unplanned pregnancy among same-sex couples. The delay in the procreation of same-sex couples promotes the couple to be more educated when they desire to have children. This produces a new method in which children’s needs are met. The family is more financially stable than a family of an unplanned pregnancy. This new model separates sex from reproduction; therefore, it is not threatened by sex that is not for procreation. Koppelman even questions whether the old traditional model is feasible in contemporary America. An analysis of the argument proposed by Koppelman proves to show both strengths and weaknesses in his argument. The strength in his argument is that the claim he makes is obvious, and his reasons for defending his claim are visibly stated. He states, “The claim that legalizing same-sex marriage will hurt traditional marriage is puzzling… In states with legalized same-sex marriage, there has been no discernible effect on other marriages.” The behaviors of same-sex couples should not affect the behavior of heterosexual couples. When analyzing reasons provided by Koppelman, one could note the reasons stated are all relevant to his thesis explaining the reasons why gay marriage does not effect on other marriages. When analyzing his reasons for propaganda, one will notice his use of propaganda to persuade the

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