
Analysis of Leviathan by Thomas Hobbles Essays

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In the Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes argues that an ideal state is one in which the government possess all the power in order to protect the people and provide security is the best. Thomas Hobbes believed that people were inherently evil. He claimed that people will do whatever they want to get whatever they want. He labels this as the state of nature. He claims that the natural state is the place we are in before we are actually influenced by society. He says that this place is total chaos because people only do what benefits them. He describes the natural state of man as one that is wild and chaotic without government. He asserts the idea that man needs and naturally wants order but not being able to do it on our own way is best. He goes on …show more content…

It asserts the argument that people cannot control themselves so they must be controlled and that is far too bleak and does not give any true credibility to man. Hobbes claim that there must be an absolute monarch gives pardon to possible tyrants, communists societies and so much more. But more importantly, it discredits man and aids in the destruction of the individual. His idea of how the world should be run is structured well but not great. There are many ways the Leviathan can fall apart. The first reason why the Leviathan would not work is quite simple. For this assertion I must agree with Hobbes theory that man is naturally evil and selfish because that theory alone destroys his idea of the leviathan working. If the people are evil naturally and a member(s) of the people becomes head of the people, is he or she not evil too? Does it not give that evil person even more power and leverage to be evil? If the governance is smaller than the body but still comprised of members that are or were a part of the body, it is a flawed system because they too would be evil and selfish. Perhaps, giving a person who is selfish and evil by nature the power does not work. There has to be a checks and balance system. Clearly, if we go along with Hobbes’ own account of human nature, there’s no possibility that having on sovereign in charge will lead to a fair and just society.
In John Stuart Mill’s On

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