
Analyzing Akira Kurosawa's 'The Blizzard'

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Yume Dreams Akira Kurosawa Japan 1990 115 minutes Kurosawa first gives the viewer a true sense of the plot in his third vignette titled ‘The Blizzard.’ Here the viewer(s) see the man along with others struggling against the bitter cold storm. At the peak of the storm the men seemingly give up entirely. The main character shows his strength by defeating ultimately his own paranormal figure. This allows the man to not only help himself, but the other men along with him as well. His choice ultimately saved them all. This idea of choice is shown in the following vignette as well ‘The Tunnel.’ Here a dog appears to warn the man to stay out of or to stay away from the tunnel. The man walks through the tunnel slowly and cautiously. He gives the illusion that he is looking at something he remembers or his past per se. Reaching the end of the tunnel he is faced with men of his past. He then tells the men about his failed choice to put them into action. His determination to send the men back to where they are from, matches the mountain climbers will to resist sleep. This appears again within the vignette ‘The Village of the Watermills.’ Kurosawa shows choices through the people of the …show more content…

It is shown in ways such as the fox wedding in ‘Sunshine Through the Rain.’ The act of throwing a wedding depending on the specific weather and dressing up as they did is a major play within the Japanese culture. It is not something seen in many parts of the world. Culture is also shown within the way they dress. Specifically in ‘The Peach Orchard’ the actors are dressed in Kimonos. A popular style of clothing worn in Japan. Culture is also shown in ‘The Village of the Watermills’ The elder man explains to the traveler that in their village they do not use modern day items such electricity and more. This is a part of the villages culture that they take much pride in and is talked much about within the

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