
Analyzing David Brooks 'Argument'

Decent Essays

1. Who is making the argument? What does the article tell something about who the writer is? David Brooks makes the argument. He talks about students entering a bad job market, resulting in a hangover of excessive borrowing and federal debt. (Paragraph 2 Lines 3-5) The article tells me he’s a columnist who’s informing young adults about college costs and limitless opportunity. How schools place propaganda into students minds that they can do anything, but in reality, schools aren’t preparing them for the real world.

2. What is the subject of this argument?
How people develop into the system. College students are raised in an environment that demands one set of navigational skills, then cast into another environment requiring a different set of skills, which we …show more content…

He intends to make his point known to anyone that can benefit from what he notices in the college education system.

4. What is the purpose of this argument? What does it hope to achieve? Purpose of this is to show the audience of the school’s failures to graduates. Argument refers to thriving in college. Brooks wants us to find happiness inside ourselves, by losing ourselves in the cause of something greater. (Last paragraph) He hopes that we follow our passion, chart our own course, follow our dreams. (7th paragraph)

5. How would you summarize the argument (i.e. identify its thesis)? College grads are sent into a world of rapturous talk of limitless possibilities. The successful young adult is beginning to make sacred commitments – to a spouse, community, and calling. (7th paragraph) Most don’t look inside to plan their life. They are called by a problem, and the self is constructed gradually by their calling. (9th paragraph)

6. In what way(s) does the argument use ethos appeals?

David Brooks is a professor at Yale University, he has an insight on what student go through in the education system.

7. In what way(s) does the argument use pathos

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