
Analyzing Sherman Alexie's Poem 'The Limited'

Decent Essays

Sherman Alexie grew up with a troubled childhood. His mother, worked as many as six jobs to provide for her family and to put food on the table. His father, who was absent most of the time, was set apart from his family due to his alcohol addiction. With that, Alexie also grew up poor and in a very economically unstable area, the Spokane/Coeur d’Alene indian reservation which put strain on his career and him as person. Alexie's poem “The Limited” is about Alexies encounter with a man who tried to run over a stray dog. As the two men pulled up to each other at a red light, the man shouted from his car that he couldn’t do anything about it. Alexie didn’t do anything about the situation. As both men drove off, Alexie immediately went to his house …show more content…

At the very end of the poem both Alexie and the man were stopped at a light. But, they both ended up going different directions. Alexie did not do anything about the man and came to realize that there is nothing that he could have done. This man is already the way that he is and there's nothing that alexie could do about that. The last stanza of the poem states "why do poets think they can save the world? The only life I can save is my own.” What Alexie means by this, is that many people think that they can do things that isn't in their power to do. Some people are just the way that they are. Even if Alexie were to have said something to the man or tried to fix the problem, the man will never be fixed from the way that he is. How does he know he won't continue to do it again. In this poem, there was only so much that he had control of, and that was going home and doing something that he was good at, in the process of helping other people remember the same thing. He couldn’t save the man but he could consider to change himself. I think that this relates thoroughly to Alexies home life. Alexie had no control over the family that he was brought into let alone the type of parents that he was conceived from. With his mom gone most of the time due to work, and his dad being absent due to his alcohol addiction, Aleixe was forced to figure out his life pretty much on his own. I think that this poem really describes

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