
Analyzing Team Names and Mascots by S. L. Price's Article, The Indian Wars

Decent Essays

The author S. L. Price of the article “the Indian Wars” analyzes the confusing subject of Native American names and mascots used in sports teams in high school, college, and professional levels. The article is written for Sports Illustrated and offers readers an insight into this debate whether indigenous symbols in sports are honoring or insulting in Native Americans. The author addresses this topic with evidence of both sides of the issue, and leaves the reader aware of the topic and its unclear stance in today’s society. This article examines the controversy of using Native American names and mascots by sports teams, even though the author provides two sides to the issue, the different evidence blinds the argument he is trying to make. …show more content…

Another, a director pf the Hopi Cultural Preservation Office, Leigh J. Kuwanwisiwma claimed that he takes a neutral stance on the issue. He reasoned, “’ I don’t see anything wrong with Indian nicknames as long as they’re not meant to be derogatory’” (Price 63). Majority when asked about this issue mentioned similar statements. Can we avoid the historical context of words? Michael Yellow Bird, an associate professor of social work at Arizona State mentioned just that. He challenged, “’If people think this is how to honor us, then colonization has really taken hold’” (Price 64). He as well as others brought up the history of Native Americans and their partial extermination, being forgotten, cheated of their own land. Bird like others questions how these mascots and names honor the Natives. And how can Natives themselves be indifferent about this subject. S. L. Price offers a wide range of evidence from people that are on both ends of the spectrum about this issue. Even though Price offers a wide range of people’s voices, a weakness he brought to his article is the data. The author offers data as he states “a recent SI poll,” he does not define the word “recent” and leaves the data not as accurate and not as valid. Also he incorporates multiple data points and percentage throughout the article which gives it an inconsistent flow. Also the author does not provide a bibliography to the data. The data does present high

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