
Analyzing The Character Of Rufus In 'The Giver'

Satisfactory Essays

Rufus is not an improvement over his father. Rufus has picked up bad ideas form his father, Tom. One thing he picked up was to treat slaves as property, rather than equals. Tom was harsher which I believe Rufus follows. Rufus falls in love which Alice; he forces her to stay with him instead of giving her freedom. Rufus was also abusive to Dana. Rufus is unpredictable; intoxicate slave owner and also the father of one of Dana’s ancestors. He sexual assault and subjugate Alice and makes an attempt to do the same to Dana. Rufus longs to be loved but expects to always get his way, using violence if denied. Tom also known as Rufus father was a brutal and ferocious man. He strikes slaves for small disobedience. When tom

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