
Analyzing The Foreclosure Crisis In Jeannette's Don T Let It

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In this excerpt, it is like Jeannette and Rex are sitting in the wreckage after a storm. It’s as if they are having a final moment of clarity about the life Rex gave her. It’s interesting to see them finally interact with all their cards on the table, they aren’t playing any games anymore, they aren’t entertaining any of their far out ideas of their Glass Castle, they are simply being honest and direct and saying their last goodbyes, acknowledging things they never had before. When Jeannette says, “This stuff could grow on you.” in regards to the vodka and Rex answers, “Don’t let it.” Rex is acknowledging a large factor in the messed up life that his children had was because of his drinking and how his drinking ruined a lot of good prospects and opportunities the family could have had. …show more content…

Jeannette is at the point in her life where she’s grown up enough to look back at her life and realize that some of the experiences she had as a child were actually scarring and dangerous and the severity of those situations were masked by her adoration for her father who she realized as she grew wasn’t everything that she thought. Still Jeannette could never hate her father as she illustrates in this quote, “As awful as he could be, I always knew he loved me in a way no one else ever had.” This quote also shows that Rex always making Jeanette feel special and always encouraging her had a profound effect on her. Jeannette definitely took notice of the way Rex held her self-worth in high regards to his own feeling of fulfillment. This exchange is especially important because there was no one else that Jeannette could have this closure with about her childhood because there was no one else that for her was at the heart of the chaos in

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