
Ancient Mesopotamia

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Throughout the first civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia, writing and written records were a central point and feature of most of the ancient civilizations. Writing was used to document and describe the way of life in ancient Mesopotamia. Access to many of the Mesopotamian’s ancient written records has given historians and researchers a look on how people lived and the type of social life and classes in the first civilizations. Based upon these written records it was shown that the social groups and classes were well ordered and clearly divided. The Mesopotamian’s seemed to live in a very hierarchical society with civilizations divided into social groups such as King, Priests, Upper class, Lower class and slaves. These class differences were mostly organized by the creation of Hammurabi’s laws known as The Law Code of …show more content…

These laws were clear and well-ordered writings that gave historians a more detailed representation on the social life of ancient Mesopotamians. Not only were the social groups organized by The Law Code of Hammurabi but also by the “Standard of UR,” a wooden box found in the Sumerian city of Ur with illustrations of the Mesopotamian social life painted on both sides of the box. The box was a clear representation of how the Mesopotamian societies were organized. One side of the box was represented as the “peace side,” which had a clear visual of the class differences and social groups of a well-ordered and highly hierarchical society. In the way of civilization the upper class would be the ones to feast while the lower class would have to offer their products from their labor to the upper class. On the other side of “The Standard of Ur,” is the “war side” that represents where each social class stands during the war. The lowest class of society was made up of the prisoners that were captured from war and turned into slaves. As stated by historians the Standard of Ur, “has become a vivid image of Mesopotamian social life” (Ways of the World

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