
Ancient Mesopotamia

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"Mesopotamia" is a Greek word meaning, "Land between the Rivers”. The Ancient Sumerians worshipped many different gods and goddesses. They thought that the gods influenced much of what happened to them in their lives. Babylonian and Assyrian’s religious was heavily influenced by the Sumerians. The Mesopotamians always thought of the importance of god in their life, as each city had it own god. And at every center of the city, there is a temple to represent that god. Some of the Sumerian gods and goddesses included: Enki and Anu. The god Ea or Enki as it named by summerians is one of the most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian. According to the ancient Mesopotamian gods and goddness article, “Enki has associations with wisdom, magic and incantations”. The god Enki was the source of knowledge and he was the patron of the all achievements of civilization as well as crafts and arts. Enki created human out of clay to show the work of gods to the …show more content…

Acoording to the ancient Mesopotamian gods and goodness article,” Enki was the son of the god An, or the goddess Nammu and a twin brother of Adad. His wife was Damgalnunna/ Damkina and their offspring were the gods Marduk, Asarluhi and Enbilulu, as well as the goddess Nanše and the sage Adapa”. As in the ancient mesopotmian gods and goodness, the author explains the history of the god Enki, as he said, “The first attestations of the god Enki date to the Early Dynastic IIIa period, where he is mentioned in the texts from Fara. As late as the third century BCE he appears as the god Kronos in a Greek text attributed to the Babylonian priest Berossus, where he was the original patron of the god of the Eridu”. Enki was known as a god who wears a long robes and horned cap. Through history the cylinder seals pictured the god Enki representing the subterranean waters of Abzu, as well as the symbol of Ea is a a curved sceptre with a ram's head, a goat-fish and a turtle. The reason of creating the

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