
Ancient Rome Rise Of Christianity Research Paper

Decent Essays

Ancient Rome and the rise of Christianity Yahir burgos Delcampo international school Italy has a very favorable geographic features it have.the appirance mountain range.which forms a ridge from north to south and goes down
To the middle of Italy that divides west from east.It also has large fertile plains for farming.Romans where successful were successful cause of their sense of duty,courage and discipline,they were good diplomats,they excelled in military strategies and the people of rome were hard workers they had discipline and courage.The romans excelled in military tactics and technologies.They had many different weapons for example,”the ballista,javeline,catapult,and the chainmail.Rome conquest of Italian peninsula makes Roman discover carthage a city state on the northern coast of Africa.Settled by north africans and Phoenician traders,carthage had an empire across north Africa and the western Mediterranean.Rome continued expanding westward.the war between this two powers became unavoidable.Between 264 B.C and 146 B.C,Romans fought three wars versus carthage.they were called the punic wars.The first war Rome seek victorious.The second war Carthaginians seek revenge over Romans.The Carthage army led by Hannibal,the carthaginian army had one interesting troop in its army,elephants.The army of …show more content…

The trek cost Hanni- bal one third of his army. But with it he surprised the Romans, who had expected an invasion from the south. For 15 years, Han- nibal and his army moved across Italy, winning battle after battle.Many conquests and controls of busy trade routes began to give Rome incredible riches,this started a new class of wealthy.generals,officials, traders amassed fortunes from loots,taxes,and

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