
Andy Warhol's Influence On Our Culture

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered how pop art has influenced our culture? Well this paper will spread light on just how influential Andy Warhol and his artwork has been. Pop art emerged in the late 1950s in the United States (Artspace editors 2013). It was something that engaged aspects of mass culture such as advertising, comic books, and clothing. Andy Warhol was the father of pop art; he has not only influenced what we wear and see, but he has influenced the art world as well. There are many forms of pop art but one thing they all have in common is the interest in mass media, and mass culture (McCorquodale, 2015). Andy Warhol was born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. When he was at the age of 8 he contracted chorea (Brown, 2015). A Disease that causes involuntary, unpredictable body movements, so Warhol was confined to bed. During his recovery he was taught to draw by his mother (Brown, 2015). He developed a love for drawing, and he started to draw in his spare time. As soon as he got healthy he decided to take up photography. He went on to graduate high school and enroll in Carnegie Institute of Technology where he studied commercial art (Brown, 2015). Soon after in 1961 Warhol revealed the concept of pop art. He showcased an art peace that focused on mass produced commercial goods. It was an art …show more content…

That’s a massive amount of advertisements to see in one single day. Advertisement companies will spend 17 billion each year on advertisements (Skricki & Schlachtmeyer, 2013). It’s a huge industry that involves many corporations. Advertisement is a form of pop art, and it is something we see everyday. Such as poster boards of an iconic symbols such as an Apple logo or a Coca-Cola can. We see a lot of advertisements, but now when someone sees a poster board of a coke can him or her can think of pop art, and Andy Warhol because advertisement is an influence of those very two

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