
Angela Duckworth: Book Report

Decent Essays

After reading the book by Angela Duckworth, I learned a couple things about myself. I first learned that I am a very gritty person. I would define myself as gritty, because I know I am not the smartest or have the most talent. But would I do have is a drive and passion for working harder than those around me. I have known from a young age that I wasn’t physically or mentally as good as everyone else, but that still hasn’t stopped me. I have always tried to outwork my peers, not because I want to but because I have too. The grit I have developed over the course of my life, I truly believe is better than any talent I have. I believe this because I am not afraid to fail, the only thing I am afraid of is not trying, because if you don’t try then you will never know what the outcome will be.

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This football camp I attended was only for the elite offensive linemen in the state of Massachusetts, but I received an invite my senior year to attend this. I was nowhere near one of the elite offensive linemen in the state, but the coach that ran it was a coach in my league. I have been battling it out with his team for the past three years, and the last person I expected anything from was this man. I was the smallest left tackle in our entire league for my entire high school career. But this coach admired my hustle, passion, and perseverance of being a smaller player, I also stopped his top defensive end every single year. So, when I got to the camp, all the other players would look at me like I was a boy among men. That whole week I was doing everything in my power to keep up with them, but my skills weren’t comparable to theirs. The thing that got me noticed at the camp was I went up against the biggest and most skilled guys there and didn’t care for one minute about getting shown up. I wanted to be the best player I could be, and the only way that would be possible is if I went against the best.

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