
Animal Cruelty And Domestic Abuse

Decent Essays

If abusing animals isn’t bad enough, it’s been noticed the terrible connections it has with domestic abuse. The current animal cruelty laws should be more severe and enforced with worse repercussions. Once an individual is charged with abusing an animal, they should be prohibited from owning one forever instead of just months/years. Children that are responsible for animal abuse should be required to see a psychiatrist regularly, so they can learn to deal with their anger in a better way rather than taking it out on animals or people. For adults that are completely aware of their actions, there should be bigger fines and longer imprisonment terms to help discourage abusive behavior before it affects more than animals. Human beings can shout …show more content…

Neglect is the failure to provide an animal with the most basic requirements, such as: food, water, shelter, and veterinary care. If the problem is not fixed, the person in question may be removed of their animal by law enforcement authorities. However, in some cases the owner may simply turn over the pet as they do not want the responsibility anymore. Intentional cruelty is when an individual purposely inflicts physical harm or injury on an animal, such as deliberately torturing or even killing an animal. It can be quite shocking and is an indicator of a serious behavior issue. Although many people are arrested for intentional cruelty, people who commit even the worst of crimes are still not punished to the full extent of the law.

Currently, only forty seven of the fifty states make it a felony to commit these crimes, (Kentucky being one of the three states) whereas it should be made a felony for all fifty states. Here in Kentucky, vets can’t even report their suspicions over an animal being abused. Many people consider their pets a member of their family. I honestly do believe that if harsher penalties are put in place against these criminals who choose to abuse these innocent, animals then we will have a good chance in getting a voice for …show more content…

For example, according to a report by the Boston Globe, both of the perpetrators in the Columbine High School shooting had an interest in mutilating animals. They went from animal abuse to murdering their classmates as teenagers.

One prime example of animal abuse going without punishment takes live broadcasts to a whole new, horrible level. In Denmark during a radio show the host beat a baby rabbit named Allan to death with a bicycle pump. He claimed it was a humane way to put him down, although using a bicycle pump hardly seems so. The rabbit was only nine weeks old. So far the host hasn’t been punished or charged with anything, and with the way things are going it seems unlikely he will be. Things need to change. The current laws for animal cruelty simply aren’t enough, and unless we help make a difference they won’t ever be.

Animal abuse is a terrible crime that affects all living creatures around the world. In the U.S., you can take action by learning which laws exist in your area and work to strengthen them through petitions and writing to your government representatives. You should also learn how to report animal cruelty nearby. As these examples show, the punishment is often not even close in proportion to the crime. It’s up to us to lend our voices to the

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