
Comparing Animal Farm 'And Speech At The United Nations'

Decent Essays

In “Animal Farm” by George Orwell and the excerpt from “Speech At The United Nations” by Malala Yousafzai both share the common topic of education, showing that education or knowledge is used to gain some sort of “power” over the people who do not know the information. In Animal Farm, the pigs, Napoleon and Co., easily take control of the farm and all of it’s animals due to the fact that the pigs were superior intellectually. The start of the pigs inception is when they began to consider themselves the brains of the farm and took on separate leadership roles. Once they became the heads of the farm in terms of decision makings because of their intelligence, they “set aside the harness room as a headquarters for themselves.” (Page 31) They easily manipulated the …show more content…

Because of this, Clover went to go an animal that can read only to discover that the commandment now read, “No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.’’ (Page 67) The pigs easily convince the animals that the rule was never changed due to the lack of any intelligence in the animals. Malala Yousafazai’s speech at the United Nations correlates to the theme education is used to gain power. She mentioned that her and her friends, “realized the importance of pens and books when we saw guns.” Malala addresses in this statement that even in the face of death and uncertainty, education and knowledge is powerful. With this idea of knowledge being a weapon to counter terrorism, the Taliban is preventing women from attending school because, “The power of education scares them.”. The taliban and Malala both understand the true power of education and they both will stop at nothing to obtain it. In conclusion, both texts convey the topics of education and knowledge in ways that represent the theme that education is used to gain

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