
Animal Farm Quotes

Decent Essays

Animal Farm
George Orwell, who is an English novelist, essayist, and author of the novel ‘Animal Farm’ quotes, “Political chaos is connected with the decay of language... one can probably bring about some improvement by starting at the verbal end. ( ” In this quote, I think that Orwell is trying to state that in the novel ‘Animal Farm’ the pigs are starting to ignore their history and they won’t understand the consequences. ‘Animal Farm’ was published in 1945, and is a metaphor for communism, at least that’s what the author’s purpose was. The animals take control of a farm from humans and start to create a collective group that will end up failing. When they are ignorant and uncaring of their history, they are basically unable to read, write, and accept propaganda as the truth. This can lead to social and political oppression. …show more content…

An example from the book is “Many animals had been born to whom the Rebellion was only a dim tradition, passed on by word of mouth, and others had been bought who had never heard mention of such a thing before their arrival.” (Orwell,117) This example ties in with the main idea because it shows that when a new animal joins the farm, they go along with what’s being said to one another, because their leader Napoleon would say something and they would believe it. History wasn’t taught to the upcoming generations by their parents, as a result, the government taught the history. Since the government was teaching history not truthfully, their history was slowly being rewritten. The result was that the animals accepted it because they didn’t know any

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