
Anorexia Nervosa Report

Decent Essays

Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is an eating disorder clinically diagnosed as the use of extreme dieting or starvation to achieve a drastically thin body shape (Wolf 1991). This report considers the possible causes of AN from a Social Constructivist view and argues that AN should be considered a product of various social processes, rather than the result of a mental illness. To elaborate on this perspective, the following report will investigate the media’s influence on body satisfaction and the influence of socio-cultural characteristics such as ethnicity and class. Furthermore, this report aims to provide preventative recommendations that address the social and environmental causes of AN. The DSM-5 criteria for a diagnosis of AN can be generalised as a person displaying persistent restrictions of food intake, an intense fear of weight gain and …show more content…

These address the issue from the positivist medical understanding of AN as a genetic and/or psychiatric condition. Conversely, few measures have been implemented in Australia to prevent the symptoms of AN. By adopting a sociological point of view, the aetiology of these symptoms can be identified and addressed. The Social Construction of Reality by Berger and Luckmann (1966: 209-211) analyses the works of influential sociologists such as Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and George Mead; a publication which affirmed a new sociological perspective. This perspective called Social Constructionism concludes that the social reality we construct for ourselves in turn shapes our existence and our knowledge. Thomas Szasz (1960: 113-118) also took this constructivist approach in his work The Myth of Mental Illness. He argues that mental illness is an invention created to conveniently explain deviant behaviours and that these ‘illnesses’ are instead “expressions of man’s struggle with the problem of how he should live” (Szasz 1960:

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