
Anti-Muslim Stereotypes

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Many Muslims, and Arab citizens in general, are treated unfairly for the idiotic notion that all Muslims are terrorists. In 2011 a survey was taken determining how certain countries view Muslims. 57% of Italy’s population respect Muslims, while 28% don’t. In contrast to that, only 40% of the United States of America population respect them and 52% do not(Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the West). “In 2001, a 1600% increase in hate crimes toward muslim people was seen as 481 hate crimes were reported in a single year, compared to only 28 the year before,” (Social Change: 9/11). Since the attacks on September 11, hate crimes and racial profiling have gone up in the United States.
The second of the most significant changes …show more content…

An example being how fear causes people to overthink and to panic. The most recent case of this is the Brussels attack in Belgium weeks ago. In the midst of all the pandemonium, the people of Belgium are confused and asking why they were targeted. Most survivors are still too much of in a state of shock to remember anything.
Some survivors may even feel as if they remember too much. After the explosion, many families sat by waiting for them to count up the dead remains of thirty people and clear out 230 wounded. They wait worrying that someone they knew and loved was there when the bombs went off.
Physical reactions, meaning the way the psychological impact of an event affects their physical state, are almost always easy to observe. In the Oklahoma City Bombing in April 1995, over one third of the survivors of this catastrophic incident reported having had developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is the most common thing to develope from a traumatic event. This may cause victims and survivors to be tormented by flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, or severe anxiety. It may also cause them to be hypervigilant, hostile, or …show more content…

In 2013, research on terrorism revealed that 35.4% of terrorists attacks happen in Iraq (The 10 Countries Where Terrorist Attacks Kill the Most People). Living in a state of constant terrorism causes many interpersonal reactions. It causes tension among everyone in a community, not knowing who to trust. In such a nerve-racking environment, there is hardly any room for friends.
With terrorists groups scattered out everywhere in the region, anyone could be someone involved in one. Therefore, everyone becomes more withdrawn from the public. They must also be careful about what they say out in public. This creates a lot of isolation among their society.
The third of the most major changes of terrorism is the economic impact it can leave on a nation. Meaning how it affects the economic activity in a certain area of the world. Depending on how a country has been hurt by an attack, they might not be able to sell their crops that year. It could affect manufacturing businesses. Either the businesses supplies having been harmed or the business itself. Different types of economics changes caused by terrorism are cost distinction, tourism, trade influence, and lastly the financial

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