
Appearance Vs Reality Macbeth

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In Act 3 Scene 3, Macbeth fulfills the role of the stereotypical, superior husband, since he is the one who takes the initiative to plan Banquo’s and Fleance’s murder without hesitation to insure that there will be no threat to his power. In addition, Macbeth does not tell Lady Macbeth about his violent scheme, since he wants her to “be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck,/ Till thou applaud the deed” (3.3.51-52). Also the theme of appearance versus reality appears when Lady Macbeth attempts to put on a facade to the dinner guests that Macbeth is having a “momentary” “fit;” even though, in reality he is facing the psychological consequences of his horrendous actions, which Macbeth did to attempt to satisfy his ambition and greed (3.4.66).

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