
Appreciation In The Scarlet Ibis By James Hurst

Decent Essays

Learning to Appreciate

How does one gain appreciation? The definition of appreciation is the recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something. People gain appreciation and respect by doing things that please others. Doodle did many things to please people, and make himself the way others wanted him even though they should have accepted him the way he was. In The Scarlet Ibis James Hurst uses the family, casket, and walking, as symbols to demonstrate that one should appreciate someone just as they are. Doodle’s family had no hope or appreciation for Doodle. They even built a casket because they didn’t expect him to live past three months old. His brother, who only taught him to walk for his own purposes, used the casket to torture him. Doodle’s family and …show more content…

The family had one made for Doodle, but he didn’t die and they had decisions to make.”Daddy and Mr.Heath, the carpenter, built a little mahogany coffin for him. But he didn’t die, and when he was three months old mama and daddy decided they might as well name him” (Hurst 351). They were so careless about the baby’s feelings and needs, and more worried about how they would react if he died if they had let themselves become too attached to him. Doodle’s family didn’t even name him until he was three months old. The only one in the family close enough to care was his brother, and he was constantly hurting and teasing Doodle. “One day I took him up to the barn loft and showed him his casket, telling him how we all believed he would die (Hurst 353). His brother took him wherever he went in a little go cart, and Doodle loved it, but because Doodle’s brother hated that Doodle was disabled, he would take Doodle places and do dangerous things with him just to be mean. His family did not know how to love him. They were scared that he would die and that if they were attached they would be devastated. They did not show him their love because of their

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