
Apprenticeship Narrative

Decent Essays

Motives for applying for apprenticeship program.
I have been working in long-term care for eleven years and with my new degree in Health Information Management would like to transition into a H.I.M. career. An apprenticeship is a great way to learn about a specific industry while gaining on the job training. I have experienced this before via the University of Tennessee at Knoxville’s Veterinarian school summer intern program and the summer science research program at Temple University. Both were great experiences that I have never forgotten. They both allowed me to learn about an industry, gain real world experience, meet a diverse group of people, and help me decide what my future career path would be. In essence, I have a passion for research …show more content…

Community service as well as in my mind means focusing on the needs of the global community while understanding where I as an individual fits into that groups. I have participated for the past few years fiscally and physically supported programming that focuses on feeding people and providing school supplies to needy children.
How will my personal achievements contribute to my career growth?
I believe my perseverance, tenacity, and resourcefulness are personal characteristics that will contribute to my career growth. I was able to graduate from High School with honors while working part time. I was able to while working every summer to save for books and fees for each following school year. Lastly, I was able to graduate with a Master’s in Health Information Management while working full time and while being a single parent.
What is it about the health information profession and/or the future of health information that inspires …show more content…

Big data will continue to grow even bigger with the advancement of technology and the implementation of more interconnected health systems. The focus will continue to shift from episodic care to preventative care for larger populations especially the chronically ill. Healthcare delivery will continue to shift away from episodic to continuum model. The above changes inspire me to be a part of positive changes within the healthcare field that H.I.M. is providing. The federal government will increase regulations to do so and may or may not provide ongoing monetary incentives for providers to keep up.
Define what professionalism means to you.
Character traits that should be included in professionalism are strong work ethic, respect, and integrity and going above and beyond what is expected while delivering excellent customer service. Honesty is necessary with those you are serving and reporting to. In addition, I believe that possessing good communication skills and a can do attitude coupled with teamwork exudes professionalism. Lastly, I do not think that professionalism is one quality instead it is a combination of several qualities, the most essential in my opinion have been mentioned

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