
Apricot Research Paper

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Title: Ripening Apricots on and off the Tree
Meta description: Do you have an apricot tree with slow-to-ripen fruit? Are you wondering about how to get apricots to ripen-up? Click here and find out what to do.
The flavor of a fully ripe apricot is one of the joys of summer. Apricots are among the earliest fruit ready for harvest each year, but sometimes they take their time, remaining green for what seems like too long. This can be caused by inadequate irrigation, not pruning enough, or growing a variety with a longer than average growing season.
--When Are Apricots Ripe and Ready for Harvest?
Apricots trees [link u=apricot-flower]flower[/link] in late February or early March, and the flowers develop into ripe fruit in 100 to 120 days after bloom for most varieties. However, apricot trees need to grow for three to four years before they begin fruit production. …show more content…

Some fruits are ready to pick while other fruits are still green, so plan on harvesting apricots over a three-week timespan, picking ripe fruit and letting the others remain for a bit longer.
Apricots have the most flavor and best texture when they are ripened on the tree, and because they are so delicate, tree-ripened fruit is hard to find in the grocery store. This makes growing apricots at home especially rewarding, because it is the only way of having this delicious fruit picked at its

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