
Archetypes In Lord Of The Flies

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There are many archetypes people may find and play a role in an archetype in life but many don’t realize the character archetypes of other people and themselves. A group of boys is shot down from a plane and are stuck on a deserted island. Ralph and Piggy use a white conch to call all the boys together. Then, Ralph is elected as the chief. During one of the nights, Samneric see a body attached to a parachute and think it’s a beast. Simon imagines the Lord of the Flies talking to him and then goes on to tell the other boys that the beast is just a dead pilot. When Simon arrives to Castle Rock, where Jack’s tribe was, the boys were there and they all attack Simon, thinking that he is the beast. After Piggy gets killed by a rock that Roger rolls and Samneric are forced to join Jack’s tribe, Ralph is forced to hide from Jack’s tribe. After Ralph hides in the thicket, he runs trying to get away and falls on the beach in front of a naval officer. In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, the archetypal learner, Ralph, reveals innocence, inexperience, separation from familiar surroundings, endures and overcomes obstacles to reach a goal, and returns to familiar surrounding with wisdom gained while the archetypal nurturer, Piggy, reveals a clear emotional bond with the learner and protects the learner showing there is more to a person on the inside than on the outside. After getting stuck on the island and swimming happily in the lagoon, Ralph reveals innocence, inexperience,

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