
Archetypes In The Things They Carried

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Characters throughout war movies, stories, and poems correlate with certain archetypes, whether it is subtle or not. These typical stereotypes are easily identified in war stories, in which the different personalities of multiple people are very evident; this includes the rough drill sergeant, the naive recruit, the jokester, etc. In The Things They Carried as well as the poem, The Dead At Quang Tri By Yusef Komunyakaa, these archetypes are displayed in a war-zone context. A corresponding archetype of the wild or crazed veteran is shown through Norman Bowker in the novel, and the description of this archetypes serves as a basis for the poem. Norman Bowker is a veteran of the Vietnam, and shows typical characteristics of a soldier who returns home after …show more content…

He returns home and is unable to adjust to life in normal society; he has lost his purpose after dedicating so much of his time to fighting on the battlefield. Once he returned home, Bowker found no other way to cope with this hopelessness, but to drive around the town’s lake repeatedly: “The war was over and there was no place in particular to go. Norman Bowker followed the tar road on its seven-mile loop around the lake, then started all over sagin, driving slowly…” (O’Brien 157). This constant actions symbolizes Bowker looking for some consistency in his life, and how he no longer feels as if he has a purpose after coming home from war. In the poem, this theme of being unable to live a normal life after war is stated when, “A tiger circles and backtracks by smelling his blood on the ground” (Komunyakaa 3). This constant circling is once again a representation of looking for some

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