
Are Cell Phones Destroying A Generation Essay

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Cellphones and Social Media Are Ruining a Generation The popularity of smartphones is unparalleled in modern society. Not only are children receiving smartphones sooner in life, but many adults and teenagers are unable to remember a time in which the internet did not exist. Thus, daily activities focus heavily on electronics: teenagers no longer meet with their friends unchaperoned and are more likely to use Snapchat than go on a date. This asocial epidemic primarily affecting Generation Z—people born between the mid-1990s to the early 2000s—is examined by Jean Twenge, a generational analyst and psychologist, in the article, “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” As she outlines the unsuspected effects of cellphone obsession, one thing becomes clear: cellphones, particularly social media, are destroying a generation. Twenge has been studying generational differences for more than 25 years. Her findings pertaining to Generation Z, or, as Twenge calls …show more content…

One that stood out was Athena, whose real name was not shared due to her young age. She casually explained to Twenge anecdotal evidence that smartphones impact the development of familial and platonic relationships. Teens no longer speak to nor pay attention to their families. Rather, they’re more concerned about their smartphones: “they just say ‘Okay, okay, whatever’ while they’re on their phones” (Twenge). While this may seem like typical rebellious teenaged behavior, teenagers are beginning to isolate themselves and avoid in-person relationships. Over summer vacation, Athena admitted she primarily kept in contact with her peers via text or Snapchat: “I’ve been on my phone more than I’ve been with actual people … [my] bed has, like, an imprint of my body.” This lack of socialization beginning at a young age prevents the development of interpersonal and social skills which impact them later in

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