
Are Children Valued In The Past

Decent Essays

Humans have always lived in social groups because of the necessities of each other. One point I found interesting in this article was how children were valued and taken care of in the past. The reason why children were highly valued in the past was because there were more caregivers available for each child. This was due to the fact that people lived in multicultural and social groups focusing less on the significance of personal space and privacy. All these individuals play a vital role in the child’s advancement and safety. Based on the article, a child under the age of six has roughly 4 to 5 caregivers which are more than society has in this modern generation. Another point that fascinates me was how having a logical interaction plays …show more content…

The caregiver plays an important role in these two crucial networks to develop normally. The early experiences of a child portray what humans are. If the child experiences healthy support and care from the caregiver in early life, the child’s brain would think of a human as safe, predictable, source of sustenance, comfort, and pleasure. On the other hand, if the child has negative and abusive experiences during early years, the child would think of humans as unpredictable and source of fear, chaos, pain, and loss. These templates of human are in the child’s mind throughout his/her life. Moreover, a child shares an attachment relationship with his/her mother. If the child lacks this care in the first three years of life, it leads to abnormal social-emotional …show more content…

Hailey’s biological mother whom she had spent 2 months of her life was alcoholic and abusive. Since Hailey suffered abuse at an early, she did not act like a normal child. She was adopted by foster parents who soon learned that she did not like being held. She did not cry much and would just sit and stare into space. Her way of eating implied that she wasn’t fed properly because she eats like there is no tomorrow. Moreover, she would harm herself. Even after therapy and undivided attention of Hailey’s mother who quit her job to stay home with her, Hailey had behavior problems and mood swings. Due to the months, she was neglected as a child, Hailey had developmental problems. Proper care and healthy relationships help children who experience traumatic events in their early year's heal. Systems in the United States of America moves children to and fro from foster home, sending them to different therapists and communities. To some point, this system is making a child’s life much difficult. Most children do not need therapy and other medical treatments. What these kids need is love, attention, and care from family, teachers, neighbors and others. A loving relationship plays an important role in a child’s developmental

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