
Argument On The Cuban Revolution

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Fidel Castro’s Cuban Revolution is still discussed today in many households and academic facilities as one of the most important events that contributed to the current state of many Latin American nations. Due to the importance of this event, it is considered as an emotionally fueled topic for anyone who is associated with the Latin American identity. Many discussions are based on an emotionally fueled response, which give rise to two main arguments. The first of which is that Fidel is a hero amongst Cubans and Latin Americans for revolting against the authoritarian dictatorships prevalent in the region. The counter argument states that Fidel was an even more cruel dictator, who tainted Cuba, along with other Latin American nations. However, both arguments are too simplistic, and do not encompass the common facts that have been outlined in this school of thought. The political critics and theorist that have contributed to the academic discussion include Thomas Wright, Jorge Casteñeda, Peter Winn, and Che Guevara. All have interesting opinions and arguments about the Cuban Revolution, each with a different perspective. After analyzing this school of thought, the Cuban Revolution benefited Latin America as a whole in its early years, as it finally included agrarian reform in the main discussion, and it created the leftist platform that contributed to the “Pink Tide.” However, in the long term, Castro’s regime became more authoritarian and crippled its citizens’ political

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