
Argument - The Voting Age Must be Lowered Essay

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The Voting Age Must be Lowered for Democracy to Exist in America

Imagine for a moment that senior citizens were denied the right to vote. Imagine senior citizens being thought of as too incompetent to vote because some senior citizens are senile. Can you imagine such a large percentage of the American public being denied the right to vote – simply on account of their age? It cannot happen in America, right? Not in a free country, a country where the people control the government, not the other way around? It can happen. It does happen. Only, it does not happen to senior citizens – once they get the right to vote they keep it for life. It happens to young people – people below eighteen years of age. Youth are denied the right to vote …show more content…

Voting is also a universal human right, according to the United Nations. The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (Article 21) states that: "Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives" and that "the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage."

Young people pay taxes. Most pre-teens and teenagers have some method of earning their own income and any young person that purchases items pay sales tax. Tax-paying American citizens are denied the right to vote on account of their age. That is taxation without representation, a basic violation of the principles that this nation was founded upon. American independence was gained as protest against taxation without representation.

Allowing youth to vote is a controversial issue and one that will be met with skepticism. Some people believe that young people are not capable of voting, and will merely cast their votes frivolously. While it may be true that some young people, if given the right to vote, would make uniformed choices, it has already been proven that many voting adults make rash and uninformed choices when they go to the polls. In a Washington Post poll of 1514 adults, only forty-percent of those surveyed could name the Vice President, and

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