
Argumentative Analysis

Decent Essays

Castaldy and Collins state that due to technology children are going outside less and are staying indoors more often due to their extensive use of technology, children are remaining seated in one position for a long period of time resulting in poor health . In the time children would normally be out with friends has significantly been replaced with technology as it is no longer needed for children to go out side to connect with friends as they can do so from home and receive a form of socialization through social media, the fact the children no longer need to go outside to interact with friends and play is highly affecting health and resulting in obesity in kids (Castaldy and Collins 1). Parents are allowing their kids to spend more time on these devices as it is almost impossible to control the …show more content…

She suggest that the fall of children participating in outdoor activity is a sign that the world is changing for the better as people are becoming more dependent on technology rather then physical labor. Thus it is more important for children to have the necessary skills required for the technology based jobs in the future as they will be more need for people knowledgeable in this field as jobs involving physical labor are becoming less and less needed ( Dilascio 1). She also states that they need to learn from a young age how to deal with the amount of information that they can receive on a global basis, meaning they have to learn how to separate sort through the information they get from media and decide on what is helpful to them and what is not. Thus need to be able to process others viewpoints and expand on their own ( Dilasco

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