
Argumentative Essay About The Truman Show

Decent Essays

The Truman Show Reading and Creating Piece Sunny Ou 10C
Essay Topic: Similar to his interview on Trutalk, write an interview with Christof, which takes place after the final episode, in which he justifies his actions and responds to Truman’s decision to leave the world of Seahaven.

Clive: To everyone around the world tuning into this exclusive interview with none other than Christof, we sincerely welcome you all to this special broadcast. Christof, welcome, “The Truman Show” had such great success for such a long period of time, is it inevitable that Truman eventually leaves?
Christof: Thanks Clive for the welcome and to everyone watching, I am sure that you are all intrigued …show more content…

Clive: However, I heard former employees recall you saying the exact words, “Let him die,”
Christof: Again, it’s false statements, this time from my former employees, I never said those exact words, all I wanted was for the boat to capsize.
Clive: You were willing to capsize him, is that not similar to letting him die.
Christof: Similar to a reasonable extent, “The Truman Show” has become a highly recognized worldwide show, we could not have such an abrupt ending and Truman would have most likely survived. We would have accumulated a procedure, identical to how we saved Truman’s father. Even if Truman did die, at least it would increase our show ratings.
Clive: Well, I’m shocked to be honest, you just said that Truman was like a son to you and yet you were willing to let him die?
Christof: Yes, that was true to a reasonable extent, however the chances of him actually dying were minimal. We would have done everything in our power to rescue Truman.
Clive: So even if Truman did survive and was rescued back to land, wouldn’t Truman be exposed to the truth and be aware that his life was being

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