
Argumentative Essay : Ineffective Way

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ineffective way to figure out what others think, we need to check our perception with others.” (Wood, 2012) Had the father utilized this process it could have opened a healthy dialect between the two of them thereby causing Jim to feel comfortable enough to communicate about his struggle with learning. For Jim, the perception process started with him shutting down after being perceived through the utilization of personal constraints for not working hard enough by the measurement of his dad’s personal yardstick. I believe this could have made him feel powerless as he felt like he was doing his best. Then having his dad stereotype him by placing him a class of students he concluded that does not do well in school “students who party” definitely did not help him want to open up and talk. The truth is many students party often and does extremely well in school; in fact, it was a great possibility the crowd of partiers the father referred to could have been academically producing better than Jim was.
5) The first piece of advice I would give dad is too check the conclusion of his perception with his son for accuracy. In the text, it states, “Our perceptions are always partial because we cannot perceive everything and they are subjective because they are influenced by factors such as culture, physiology, roles, standpoint, and cognitive abilities; Mind reading is an ineffective way to figure out what others think, we need to check our perception with others.” (Wood, 2012) Had

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