
Argumentative Essay On Antifa

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Richard Cohen, the president of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), spoke recently with the Washington Examiner about the SPLC’s views on Antifa, a violent underground movement whose membership is on the rise as of late. Antifa, or “anti-fascist action”, was termed back in the 1920s and 30s to define a broad group of people from the militant left who battled against the fascists of the time in Germany, Italy, and Spain. After the end of WWII, however, the support for Antifa faded to the background. Over the next few decades, there would be only a brief resurgence during the ‘80s when the neo-Nazi skinheads began to make an appearance. It wouldn’t be until the election of Trump, however, that the group would obtain a spotlight on the world stage as it started gaining membership and media attention rapidly. New York City’s chapter of Antifa, alone, almost quadrupled in size within the first three months on January, the group reported on their Facebook page. As membership rose nationwide, tensions between the radical leftist Antifa and the alt-right were rising as well. A toxic combination was nurtured within this new version of the nearly century old movement. The present-day Antifa is representing much more than just the anti-fascist beliefs of the past; the new Antifa is just anti-far right in general. This widening of hate combined with the more liberal use of violence has allowed for recent events like Charlottesville to occur. The black clothing clad group is

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