
Argumentative Essay On Global Warming

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Global Warming Global warming has often raised controversy within the last few years. Some agree that it’s an issue and others argue that it’s a hoax. Whatever one’s views global warming, keeping the world a cleaner place for future generations to enjoy should be a priority. Global warming is the result of the Earth’s global temperature rising, either through natural or man-made circumstances. Naturally, increased solar and volcanic activity are to blame. However, the biggest issues arise when humanity comes into play. The progress of industrialization and the act of cutting down trees release a significant amount of the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2), with the combination of water vapor, trap heat we receive from the sun and keep that heat from going back out into space. CO2 and water vapor act as a blanket, potentially speeding up this warming process and causing more water vapor to evaporate into the atmosphere, thus creating a runaway effect (Haldar, 2011). Global warming is an immensely dangerous topic if left unchecked. However, with renewable energy sources such as geothermal energy, harnessing the use of nuclear energy and simply the act of planting trees; humanity can benefit from a significantly cleaner planet. One of the most underutilized renewable energy sources is geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is simply using heat from deep within the earth’s crust. According to government surveys done, the entire world resource base of

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