
Argumentative Essay On Sixteen Years Later

Decent Essays

Sixteen Years Later Can a loss affect someone sixteen years later? September 11th, 2001 was the most devastating day for all Americans to experience. To this day, the entire nation grieves for the three thousand lives lost. This feeling is all too real for many like myself. Sixteen years later, losing a parent still has caused effects and has made it so I want to extend my heart to those who need it most. September 11th, 2001 was a day that is like a dark cloud. Many children lost a parent/s that day but can’t remember because they were too young. To present day many have forgotten about the children because they are left in the mist since years have passed. Some have come forward about their story, but others choose not to. As reported by Molly Longman (a child who lost a parent), “I would rather someone not feel pity. They don’t realize how many good things have happened since.” These children do not want to be labeled a 9/11 kid, or gain attention because they are more than a tragedy, and they have overcome a lot over the years. This feeling is all too real for me, because on September 11th 2001, I lost my mother. I rather not get attention for others, because I want that individual to see who I am now. Sixteen years later, images flood platforms of media. The images of the towers falling, pictures of the survivors bleeding, emergency personnel covered in dust can be overwhelming. The families have to deal with relieve this day. The children are exposed to

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