
Argumentative Essay On Student Loan

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The student loan debt in this country is out of control. Lives are being put on hold because graduates have such high payments on their loans that they cannot buy a house or start a family until later in life. Many default on their loan because they simply can’t, or won’t, keep up with their loan payments. Many are calling for debt forgives on their loans, which will erase their debt. But, while that would be advantageous for those with loans, those forgiven loans have to be paid by someone. Forgiveness for existing loans is not the answer, but there are three changes the government can make that will ease the burden. Crippling student loans due to skyrocketing tuition, complicated loan repayment plans, and lack of education about the programs available for incoming students have caused a student loan debt crisis resulting in a substantial number of federal student loan defaults. And who pays for these defaults? The same people who will pay for any loan forgiveness; taxpayers will be burdened with making up the difference. However, much of …show more content…

Instead of the many different plans in place now, have one plan, an income-contingent plan, for all new recipients of a student loan. Payments would be based on a fixed percentage of their income with the amount increasing as they earn more. In October 23, 2001 article, The U. S. Should Adopt Income-Based Loans Now, published in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Kevin Carey states (as cited in Kirszner & Mandell, 2017, pp. 573-574) that both Australia and Britain have had success with this type of payment plan. And the burden of paying for existing loans is not just shifted to someone else as forgiving the debts would do. Those who have graduated and are paying on their loans should have the option of enrolling in this part of the new plan within a year of the income-contingent plans start date, or remaining with their current

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