
Argumentative Essay On Student Loans

Decent Essays

The student loan problem is starting to look clear enough on the surface. As students are incurring oversized student debt, and are defaulting on that debt and threatening their ability to access future credit that will and need one day. To this the approaches to student loan debt collection are filled with problems, including improper recovery tactics and informational imbalance regarding the repayment options. But the current public policy conversations miss key issues that contribute to this debt mess, leading to proffered solutions that also miss their mark. Although there is one way that this problem could and can be fixed. In which it is essential for the government to be involved and lower the interest rates on their issued support stafford …show more content…

Although there is few, these few are in fact very powerful. Being the ones who give the students the loans, are none other than banks, and the federal government companies. To this they are mostly opposed because they will in fact be losing a huge amount of money. Banks and the federal government companies know that once students sign on an official contract and borrow this currency, they have to by law pay it back. Guaranteeing them to eventually having profitable enterprise. Such that they can increase interest if a student misses a payment, in which they will win either way. If a student pays on time or not. This is why they are very threatened to this imposing of the government on taking action of the student debts. Although, they don’t know that even if they will have a guarantee of making there money back, they are overall affecting the economy. By making students who one do not even have money to start out with, are know having to pay throughout their lives for their education that they really need in order to make some type of income. These graduates are suffering a whole lot. Some also not having money to feed their families and as well themselves. Creating poverty is never a good thing, and this is exactly what the banks and federal government companies are doing. This is why ultimately we need to use the solution of having the government to be involved and take action by lowering the high interest rates of student

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