
Arguments Against Altruism

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Altruism and profit are often at different ends of the spectrum when it comes to medicine and health care as a whole. Altruism is the belief and practice of self-less concern for others over a person’s own self. One of the biggest problems in our health care system today and possibly even during Henrietta’s time is that medicine and health care as a whole are so commercialized and are only concerned with earning a profit. Henrietta’s cells were stolen without any notice and her family was not compensated for this crime. Eventually Henrietta’s cells became so important and eventually earned researchers millions of dollars. The theft of her cells had nothing to do with Henrietta as a person, but rather the doctors and researchers wanting to make a dollar off of a dead woman’s cells. Dr. Gey and others did not know that Henrietta’s cells were going to change medicine but the fact that they did change medicine and no compensation was given to Henrietta and her family show that many doctors are not concerned with their patients, they are more concerned about their paycheck and whether or not they will be remembered in history forever. Out of all of Henrietta’s children, Zakariyya was the absolute angriest. He was angry that the HeLa cells were used for nothing but profit …show more content…

Southam also used HeLa cells in an unethical and unorthodox way. He was taking cancerous saline solution and injecting it into patients with leukemia and also into healthy people. His methods were extremely unethical, but at the time he was attempting to find a cure of cancer, and then turn that cure into a profit making machine. The profit and monetary means earned by the doctors and researchers of the HeLa cells fell on both sides of the ethical spectrum. On one side there were the doctors who were performing dangerous and often deadly experiments on people to try and understand the cancer but there were also doctors whose research actually made a difference and helped the medical

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